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KA7552A/KA7553A SMPS Controller
The KA7552A/KA7553A are switching power control IC for wide operating frequency range. The internal circuits include pulse by pulse current limiting, protection, on/off control by external trigger, low standby current, soft start,and high current totempole output for driving a POWER MOSFET. Maximum duty of the KA7552A is 70% and the KA7553A is 46%. When duty is maximum, the input threshold voltage of pin2 & pin8 are not same in KA7552A and KA7553A
• Built-in drive circuits for direct connection power MOSFET (lO = ± 1.5A)
• Wide operating frequency range (5kHz ~ 600kHz)
• Pulse by pulse over current limiting
• Over load protection
• On/off control by external trigger
• Internal UVLO
• Low standby current (typ. 90uA)
• Soft start circuit